Sabado, Disyembre 3, 2011

5.1 Million Poor Families

     The NSO reported that in 2000, poverty incidence affected 19.9 percent of families in urban areas and 46.9 percent in rural areas. Real number of poor families climbed to 5.1 million. 1.5 million of them in urban areas and 3.6 million in rural areas. Some 2.5 million families were living in subsistence level, meaning their income was not enough to buy their basic food requirements.


   It is indifferently alarming that a great number of people in the Philippines had been experiencing the undying problem of poverty for quite some time. Many families both in rural and urban areas are experiencing the never-ending spread of poverty. Somewhwere in the middle of these things lies a question - Where are the resources provided by life which are suppposed to be proportionately disseminated regardless of the lines binding the social classes? Few people may be blessed enough for not having the chance to experience the unfortunate lack of basic necessities needed on a daily life basis. However, how about the other millions of people who can barely eat adequate meals in a day? Will they constantly remain like this?

     As I ponder on these things, I can say that I am lucky enough to have three meals in a day and to be enrolled in a prestigious school. If we take a look at other people's lives, finding ways to make money for buying the basic necessities they need is a heavy burden to them. Some people say that this is mainly caused by their laziness. I don't think that this theory is always accurate in all cases. I believe that there are a lot of people out there who are working and striving hard. Yet, they just can't seem to attain their dreams and goals because of hindrances. One of the many things considered as hindrance in their success is the lack of education. It is undeniable that most high-paid jobs nowadays require college degrees. If so, how can these people who can't even afford to purchase the basic needs for survival enroll into expensive colleges and obtain high positions in a world wherein getting decent jobs is a matter of competition? If only the government officials focus more on uplifting the lives of poor people, the latter would have greater chances in becoming professionals in the society. If only government officials would not anymore be practicing graft and corruption, the money of the people in the country would go into good hands. The government could come up with plans on improving the lives of poor people and prioritize their education since attaining a higher degree of education is a stepping stone in improving one's life and having a brighter future ahead. It would also be of great help if the resources of the country are distributed in the most fair and equal way. It should not circulate only in the capitalists' hands and I firmly believe that this problem would eventually be put to an end if our country's economy manages to maximize resources more efficiently. :)